I started to buy some Indian spices lately, like tandoori and garam masala and this yellow curry madras, i remember back when i was pregnant, i really hate the smell of strong spices like curry, but now i want to started cooking those things.
The result it not bad for beginners of Indian food (at least i didn't hear any complaint from my hubby), and i like it too. I was gonna send this picture to enter the click event, but i think that lemon is more special then my curry.
Yellow chicken curry
- 5 Desiree potatoes, peeled, quartered
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 1 large onion, cut into thin wedges
- 1kg chicken thigh fillets, chopped ( i used drumstick chicken)
- 2 tablespoons yellow curry paste ( i used yellow curry madras)
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar
- 1 tablespoon fish sauce
- 400ml coconut milk
- Boil potatoes in a saucepan of water until tender. Drain and rinse in cold water.
- Heat oil in a large saucepan or wok over medium-high. Add onion and cook for 3 to 4 minutes or until tender. Add chicken and cook until brown.
- Add potatoes, curry paste, brown sugar, fish sauce and coconut milk to pan. Stir until well-combined. Bring to the boil, reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
- Serve with Rice.
hihihihi....awalnya juga gak gitu suka sama aroma masakan India. Lama-lama mungkin karena sekarang biasa liat jajanan India, jadi suka aroma eksotisnya ;)
Dita: Jangan2 kita kena curse-nya Indian food ya? jadi kebalikan, hihi..
gw penggemar makanan India. sayangnya disini ga ada resto India endang. ga kaya di Berlin dulu, beredar dimana² resto India, murmer endang pula. nyoba masak sendiri, rasanya masih kurang owkeh neh.. kudu trial & error terus
Mindy: Di Melbourne juga sama kayak di Jerman Jeng, bejibun deh, aku ngak tau rasa standard-nya masakan India jg asal ikutin resep aja, hehe
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