This is the hardest event yet exciting for me.
Hard because i need to take the properties out from the cupboard, one by one, and i didn't take those pictures in one day, i took them whenever i have spare time, i also didn't take a picture of all my property of course, because its just too many... and scared that my daughter will destroy them (she usually watch me when i took the pictures).
At least i finished now before the due date, hehe.. Host of this event is Dita on Yummy!!, she actually have # 1 event that i missed. Well I'm sure there will be many event coming soon, now that i can take a bit nice pictures, i will always try to participate those upcoming event, "be brave Ti !!", said one of my friend.
I hope my pictures did not disappointing, peace...!!
Ti... bagus kok dear fotonya, pokoknya mah harus rajin mencet shutter :)
eh itu mangkok yg warna-warni ditengah atas, aku juga punya loh, tapi belum sempet aku pake *tosssss*
Sefa: Thanks ya .Kadang ngak banyak waktu untuk berlama2 ngeset Mba, di tongkrongin anakku, kalo kelamaan diamukin, dia minta ajak main, hihihi
Toss juga ah.
titiii...prop nya banyak juga ya bow..:D..seneng deh ngeliatnya...:D
Elsye: itu ngak seberapa Mba, di lemari masih banyak lagi, hihi... cuape dech kalo ngeluarin semua :)
wahhhh .. cantik2 prop-nya ... :). yg putih2 itu gw naksir ti ... :). photonya juga dah oke kalok ngakunya masih beginner :D.
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