I dedicated this book to support the Indonesian Care of Cancer Kids fondation (YKAKI) , this program called book for love, hosted by Arfi -HomeMadeS , feel free to bid this book here on her multiply site or on my comment page below.
I own this book only for 2-3 months, still in great condition (98%), no marks or stain at all , from The Australian womens weekly " Chicken for easy weeknights and relaxed weekends".
I will open the bid from RP. 50.000 or AU$ 8.
The highest bidder will win this book, i will close the auction on Monday, 16 June 2008 12pm, Australian time. I will contact Arfi if you win the Auction and she will send the winner the payment details, so please leave your website or email address .
Thank you..
lam Kenal mba...
aku bid 60rb
Efi:lam kenal juga ya, thanks udah nge bid, kita tunggu yang lainnya, ok?
hmm.. dah dimulai ya mbak biddingnya. aku msh blom bongkar2 rak bukuku nih. sukses, yaa..
Caese: iya, sama yang di multiply-nya Mba Arfi http://foodngarden.multiply.com/market/item/10/For_Sale_AWW_Cookbook_Chicken
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