Its quite easy making this shortbread, i got the recipe from Australian Table magazine, November 2006 edition ( the month that Ellyn was born), so i kept that recipe for 2 years because i couldn't do any cooking that time, and i just remember the recipe last week, when i open my recipe file.
Here is the recipe...
Choc Peanut Shortbread
- 125 gr butter,at room temperature cubed
- 1/2 cup smooth peanut butter
- 2/3 caster sugar
- 1 egg
- 1 1/2 cups plain flour
- 3/4 cup rice flour
- 1 cup milk choc bits
- Preheat oven to 160 degrees C. Line two trays with baking paper. Using an electric beater, beat butter, peanut butter and sugar until pale and creamy. Beat in egg.
- Stir in chocolate and sifted flours. Knead roll a form dough. Halve and roll one half between two sheet of baking paper to 1 cm thick. Cut out shapes with a 7 cm star cutter. Decorate with extra chocolate. Re-roll when necessary.
- Bake for 15-18 minutes, swapping trays once, until light golden. Set aside for 10 minutes and transfer to wire racks to cool. Repeat with remaining mixture.
- Serve shortbread with milk.
kayaknya enak niyy... copy resepnya boleh ya, Ti? buru2 bikinnn...
tiii...aku copas yaa keliatan renyah nih..sengkiyuuuu :D
Ik: Boleh kok. enjoy...
Elsye: iya Bu Elsye,emang renyah, jangan lupa di praktekin lho.
Hi Ti, alhamdulilah baik, disitu gimana kabarnya? si kecil baek?
cantik bener kuenya.... :)
Zita: Aku juga udah lumayan baikan, anakku juga baik, thanks ya.
Kuenya dikasih pita segala euy...kayak kado..hihi...kacangnya pake kacang tanah atau kacang mete mbak?
Andri: Iya, itu dikasih pita, siap untuk buat dikasih ke teman, biar cantik. Kacangnya pake selai kacang yang merk kraft mas.
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