After being a long time dreaming about decorating barbie cake, this time i can't resist to dress her :) .
Still simple and the same idea with previous cake it's ribbon theme... also i used the left over fondant blue and white (and I'm not yet confident with variety or brighter colour), the dress cake i made with instant butter cake package, on the barbie dress mould,and dummy cake as the base.
The texture is smoother this time, especially the ribbon, i tried to do it very carefully and patient, i feel that my work paid off with the good result. So what do you think?

cantik barbienya..that's what I think...good job!
Waaah..Bonekanya cantik banar..Ampe ngeces aku...halah.. ^O^
Lidia: Thanks Mba
Andri: Makasih ya, btw itu cuma buat display alias dummy cake lho Mas,jadi ngak boleh di makan, hehe...
duh cantik banget barbie nya .. bikinin dunk tii ..
Febrie: sini gw bikinin, nanti kirimnya lewat ferry ya, hihi... gak tau nyampenya kapan di Jakarta, whaahaha..
Andrieanne: Thanks Mba Anne.
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