I will upload the picture one by one, along with the recipe, and the complete pictures of this dish. i try to write the recipe both Indonesian and English.

Telur Areh
3 big size eggs //telur
200 ml coconut milk //santan
a pinch of salt //garam
2 salam leaf (Indonesian bay-leaf) //daun dalam
Grind 3 small brown onion //bawang merah
1.Beat the eggs in a bowl. // Kocok telur
2.Mix all the ingredients (except eggs), whisk well, boil in a small pot,keep whisking. // Campur semua bahan,kecuali telur, aduk rata, didihkan.
3.Pour in the boiling coconut milk to the beaten eggs, mix well. //Masukkan santan ke adonan telur.
4.Stesm the mixture for 45 minutes. // Kukus salama 45 menit.
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