Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Spaghetti marinara

Spaghetti Marinara
from Delicious magazine-sept 2003(ABC Australia),

Ingredients :
.> 2 tbs olive oil, plus extra to toss
.>1/2 onion, finely chopped
.> 3 garlic cloves, crushed
.> 250 ml dry white wine ( i skip this one, add some 1tsp tabasco and 1 tbs worcesteshire sauce instead)
.> 3 tbs tomato paste
.> 410g cans crushed tomatoes
.> 250g spaghetti
.> 250g marinara mix*
.> 2 tbs chopped flat-leaf parsley


Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat, add onion and cook for 3-4 minutes or until softened.
Add garlic and wine, and simmer 2 minutes. Add paste and crushed tomatoes, and simmer 15-20 minutes further, stirring occasionally until slightly thickened. Season well.
Cook the pasta in boiling, salted water until al dente. Drain and toss in a little olive oil.
Add marinara mix to tomato sauce, cover with lid and cook 3-4 minutes over medium-high heat. Stir in parsley, then toss the sauce through the pasta and serve.

Chocolate Muffin

Click here to read the recipe... Muffin is always good snack for me and very easy to make.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Banana Bread

Kalo ini mah kedemenan aye banget, menurut aku banana bread yang paling nendang yang pernah aku coba itu di Hotel ibis Slipi-jakarta, abis nyobain banana bread disana langsung bertekad*kayak mau perang aja* pokoknya aku harus bisa bikin banana bread yang rasanya serasa tapi tak sama*diambil dari kata serupa tapi tak sama*, udah berkali-kali praktek sampe cuape deh, ngak nemu-nemu resep yang mak nyos.

Akhirnya pas kemaren beli majalah di News agent (Australian good taste-sept 07), pas baca-baca ada resep banana breadnya, pas lihat banyak comment yang bilang enak jadi berani nyoba*biasa takut gagal maning*, pas di cobain bener bhoo... langsung enak...apalagi ditemani sama hot chocolate yang notabene udah di posting juga, maap ya sekali lagi resepnya nyusul besok, yuuukkk...
*hari berikutnya*
Akhirnya sampai juga kita pada segmen bagi-bagi resep, jangan lupa komentar-nya atau kalau sukses mempraktekkan resep ini ya(bahasa indonesia yang baik dan benar menurut EYD)... ciaow.
Banana Bread
  • Melted low-fat dairy spread, to grease
  • 265 gr (1 3/4 cup)self-raising flour
  • 40 gr (1/4 cup)plain flour
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 140 gr firmly packed brown sugar
  • 125 ml skim milk
  • 2 eggs, lightly whisked
  • 50 gr butter, melted,cooled
  • 2 overripe medium bananas, mashed
  1. Preheaat oven to 180 degrees C. Brush an 11 x 21cm (base measurment) loaf pan with dairy spread to grease. Line the base and 2 opposite sides with non-stick baking paper, allowing sides to overhang.
  2. Sift the combined flours and cinnamon into a large bowl.Stir the sugar. Make a well in the centre. Combine the milk, egg butter and banana in a bowl. Add the milk mixture to the flour mixture and stir until just combined. Spoon ito the prepared pan and smooth the surface.
  3. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Set aside in pan for 5 minutes to cool before returning onto a wire rack to cool completely. Cut into slices to serve.

Comment: "Since i found this recipe i've made it three times. It always gets eaten on the same day. I can barely keep my friends and family away from it!" . Adelaide Williams, NSW

Hot Chocolate Milo Marshmellow

I really love hot chocolate, apalagi yang ada marshmellow diatasnya, bikinnya simple kurang dari 5 menit, maklum deh kadang baby-ku ngak bisa ditinggal sama sekali, ini aja dia lagi ngoceh2 di high chairnya, pertanda dia happy jadi bisa ditinggal sebentar, tapi teteup harus lihat Mommynya walaupun dari jauh juga, *tuh kan baru diomongin udah mulai complaint lagi* Shhh.... resepnya menyusul aja besok ya... janji...bener koq...sumpah ngak boonk...
*hari berikutnya*
Wah ternyata udah ada penggemar hot coklat yang lagi nungguin resepnya ya...Ya udah nih dia resepnya daripada ngiler...btw ini resep kreasiku sendiri bagi yang suka manis bisa tambahin gula atau sebaliknya, trus kalo ngak ada Milo bisa diganti coklat bubuk biasa,trus kalo ngak ada Marshmellow juga ga apa-apa, trus kalo ngak ada semuanya kelaut aja!....Hehehe
Hot Chocolate Milo Marshmellow
  • 350ml milk
  • 1 tbsp milo chocolate
  • 2 pieces Marshmellow
  • 1/2 tbsp sugar

Place 5oml milk in a microwave-safe cup/mug, microwave for 20 second, blend the milo chocolate, sugar, stir well. Place remaining milk and topped with marshmellow and microwaved again for 2 minutes and serve.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Fun Cake

Ceritanya ini memanfaatkan sugar flower yang masih ada, iseng iseng praktek bikin kue ultah, padahal ngak ada acara apa-apa, pas kemarin lihat-lihat postingannya mba Tie, terinspirasi deh (makasih ya mba resepnya agak diubah dikit sih ), udah gitu resep fondantnya juga simple(padahal pas baca buku resepku abis bikin kue, disitu ada juga*dasar males baca buku, kebiasaan dari esde*), kebetulan aku punya liquid glucose-nya, jadi deh ber-experiment,sponge cakenya juga enak lembut, apalagi aku pake butter, jadi wangi pasti dapet extra kiss deh dari suami *ngarepin :p*, aku belum berani pake banyak warna en aku juga pake butter cream buat frame-nya, dipinggiran aku kasih buttercream extra untuk menutupi fondant yang bolong-bolong,trus sama sugar flower lagi dech semoga ngak bosen ya para pemirsa yang budiman *apaan sih$%#@?* maksudnya yang baca, ya udah silahkan dinikmati ya...
Sponge Cake
  • 125 gr flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 tablespoon emulsfier (TBM)
  • 125 gr caster sugar
  • 125 gr butter, melted
  • 2 tablespoon Full cream milk powder (maap ya Ell Mommy ambil dikit susu formulanya)
  • 2 tablespoon water
  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C.
  2. Lighltly Grease a 20 cm(8 inch) square tin.
  3. Beat the eggs, sugar, flour,milk, water and TBM in a bowl and beat with electric beaters on high speed until smooth and pale.
  4. Stir in melted butter,until combined.
  5. Spoon the mixture into the tin and smooth the surface, bake for 40 minutes or until a skeewer comes out clean when inserted into the centre of the cake.
  6. Remove from the tin and turn out onto a wire rack to cool.

Butter cream or apricot jam for glaze

Fondant icing

  • 2 tablespoon liquid glucose
  • 1 egg white
  • 500 gr icing sugar

Mix the egg white into a liquid glucose, until combined, add the sugar gradually until smooth and silky.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Swiss roll

Padahal aku lagi ngak enak badan pas bikin ini tapi karena ngak ada cemilan di rumah, ya akhirnya bikin sejadi-jadinya, hehehe... tapi lumayan lah, rasanya juga ngak kalah sama yang ditoko uenak tenan!!, *muji diri sendiri* biarin aja yang penting eke happy, isinya pake sisa ganache yang masih ada di kulkas, btw suami aku ngak tau tuh pas aku bikin ini kalo tau pasti diomelin karena disuruhnya istirahat (dasar bandel!), emang sih bahan-bahannya ngak ribet, tapi tetep aja perlu perhatian khusus dari sang koki*mulai ngaco :p*. yo wess ini lho resepnya.....

Swiss Roll
  • 90 gr (3/4 cup) self rising flour
  • 3 eggs lightly beaten
  • 185 gr (3/4 cup)caster sugar
  • 160 gr (1/2 cup) strawberry jam( i used chocolate ganache)
  1. Preheat oven to 190 degrees C,lightly grease a shallow 30 x 25 x 2cm swiss roll tin and line the base with baking paper, extending over the two long sides.Sift the flour three times onto baking paper.
  2. Beat the eggs with electric beaters in a small bowl for 5 minutes, or until thick and pale. Add 1/2 cup of the sugar gradually, beating constantly until the mixture is pale and glossy.
  3. Transfer to a large bowl. Using a metal spoon fold in the flour quickly and lightly. Spread into the tin and smooth the surface. Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until lightly golden and springly to touch. Meanwhile, place a clean towel on a work surface, cover with baking paper and ligtly sprinkle with the remaining caster sugar. When the cake is cooked,turn it out immediately onto the sugar.
  4. Using the tea towel as a guide, carefully roll the cake up from the short side, rolling the paper inside the roll. Stand the cooked cake on a wire rack for 5 minutes, then carefully unroll and allow the cake to cool to room temperature, spread with the jam or ganache and re-roll. Trim the ends with a knife.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

My flowers from sugarpaste

Tidak banyak cerita untuk flowers ini, first time(again) i tried to make this, aku beli bahan (lewat internet) yang udah di campur, tinggal di tambah air aja ( bilang aja males bikin, hihihi....), iya juga sih abis suka berantakan kemana-mana gulanya jadi pada lengket smua, trus aku juga pake "rubber gloves" supaya ngak lengket ditangan.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Chocolate Cup Cakes

Udah lama ngak update blogger nih tangan jadi gatel gini pengen ngapdet, my baby has been sick for a week,kebetulan kemarin tanggal 2 sept di sini Fathers day and Ellyn udah feeling a bit better, bisa ditinggal ke dapur ya udah deh jadinya bikin Chocolate Cup Cakes, while she watched her dvd Einstein(her favorite), pertama aku bikin Cup Cakesnya dulu, trus sambil nunggu dingin,aku buat beberapa simpe flowers from sugarpaste, dilanjut bikin ganache, wah rasanya seneng banget karena hasil dan rasanya mantap, dari kemarin-kemarin ga ada waktu bikin apa-apa sih.
So abis aku kasih kado untuk suami, kita makan Cup Cakes sama Cappucino di dapur ( dia agak kaget gitu pas aku kasih kado), mungkin lupa kalo hari itu adalah Fathers day, kayaknya waktu mothers day aku yang ngingetin dia deh, hehehe. Maybe they didn't think its a big thing, not like woman... yang notabene minta diperhatiin terus(bener ga?).
So tibalah saatnya my baby need our attention lagi, Oweeek.... nangis lagi seperti biasa kalo minta di gendong, ih jadi manja banget nih anak, pengen diusel-usel aja pipinya Gemezz!. ngak bisa lihat ortunya berleyeh-leyeh ria barang sebentar apah?, duh jadi keasikan cerita deh, nih dia Resep Cup Cakes-nya diambila dari resepnya Donna Hay .

Chocolate Cup Cake
  • 125 gr butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup (165gr ) caster sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/4 (190gr) plain flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 125 ml milk
  • 100gr dark cooking chocolate, melted
  • 1 quantity ganache
  • little flowers from sugarpaste(optional)


  1. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees.
  2. Place the butter and sugfar in the bowl of an electic mixer and beat until light and creamy.
  3. Gradually add eggs and beat well. Sift over flour, baking powder and cocoa and beat until combined.
  4. Fold trough the milk and chocolate and spoon the mixture into 12 x 1/2 cup capacity muffin tins lined with paper patty cases.
  5. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until cooked when tested with a skewer.
  6. Cool on wire racks, spread the chocolate ganache over the cup cakes and decorate with sugarpaste flower.

Chocolate ganache:

  • 150 ml whipping cream
  • 225 gr plain chocolate, broken into small pieces
  1. Put the cream in a pan and heat gently until boiling, remove from heat and pour over the chocolate. Stir until the chocolate has melted and has blended into a rich dark mixture. Pour into a clean bowl.
  2. Allow the ganache to cool, whip until light , fluffy and pale.