Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wingko Babat


Have you heard about the Deadly eruption on Merapi Volcano in Indonesia? It is my country.
So sad to hear the news especially my grandparents live there too in Central Java not too close from the volcano but still got lots of ashes from there :(

You can have a look the picture gallery

Anyway, I'm not sure what should i name it in English for this snack. And I don't know who is the first person who invented this recipe I just google it and there are a lot of this recipe on the web. But this snack have been around for centuries in my country.


Wingko babat

*150 g ketan putih // 150 g glutinous flour
* 300 gram kelapa parut kasar // 300 g shredded coconut
* 1/8 sendok teh vanilli bubuk // pinch of ground vanilla
* 1/4 sendok teh garam // pinch of salt
* 200 gram gula pasir // 200 g caster sugar
* 1 butir telur // 1 egg
* 150 gram santan kental instan // 150 g coconut milk

Cara membuat // Method:
  1. Campur tepung ketan putih, kelapa parut kasar, vanili bubuk, dan gula pasir. remas-remas sampai gula larut. // Mix the flour, sugar, salt, vanilla.
  2. Tambahkan telur. Aduk rata. Tuang santan sedikit-sedikit sambil diuleni rata. Aduk rata. // Add the egg and pour in coconut milk little at the time and mix it with hand.
  3. Pipihkan adonan. bentuk kotak.// Make a flat square.
  4. Panaskan wajan datar yang dioles tipis dengan minyak (saya tidak pakai). panggang wingko sampai matang sambil dibolak balik. Potong- potong kotak sesuai selera. Sajikan. // heat non stick pan and add a drop of oil (optional), grill wingko babat until brown each side and cooked trough. Cut into small square. Serve

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