Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Teriyaki Rice burger ala Koki & Click Event



Click is monthly event about food photography that i usually participate, host by Bee and Jai. This month theme is wood, but of course must related to the food, so i choose this rice burger with the chopstick and sushi mats to create Japanese style/ decoration.


1 fillet dada ayam, potong 4, pipihkan // Chicken fillet, cut into 4, flatten
50 g tepung maizena // cornstarch
1 sdm // tbsp of sugar
1 sdm mirin
2 sdm soy sauce
2 sdm salad oil
500 gr nasi hangat, bentuk bulat pipih sebanyak 8 // warm cooked rice, make 8 round flat shape
4-8 lettuce
4 bawang bombay, potong bentuk ring // onion, sliced
1 tomato
6 sdm mayonnaise
2 sdm teriyaki sauce
1 Nori // seaweed


1. Campur fillet ayam dengan gula, mirin dan soy sauce, diamkan 30 menit. // Mix chicken fillet with sugar, mirin and soy sauce, set aside for 30 mins.
2. Angkat ayam, gulingkan diatas tepung maizena hingga rata. // Coated chicken with cornstarch until well coated.
3. Panaskan minyak salad diatas wajan datar anti lengket, panggang hingga matang sambil sesekali di balik. Angkat. // Heat oil in flat saucepan, add chicken and cook until well browned both side, set aside.
4. Campur mayones, san saus teriyaki, aduk rata. Ambil 2 buah nasi, olesi dengan campuran mayones.// Mix mayonnaise with teriyaki sauce. Spread some mixture to the flat rice.
5. Susun diatas nasi : daun selada, ayam panggang, tomat dan bawang bombay. // Lay the flat rice and arrange the lettuce, cooked chicken, tomato and onion ring top with rice.
6. Hias dengan nori.// Decorated with seaweed.
Sajikan.// Serve

Serve 4
Recipe Source: Koki Magazine- Feb 2009

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