Friday, December 12, 2008

Soto Mie Bogor ( Noodle)



On the Rainy and cold day, it's great to have some warm soup or Soto. I was tempted to see the pictures of this soto on my recipe book, so i bought some diced beef and make this delicious food in the same day, but don't ever forget the chili sambal :)

Soto Mie Bogor

Ingredients // Bahan :

1/2 kg Diced beef //daging sapi (sandung lamur)
1000 mlwater // air untuk merebus
2 tbsp oil //sdm minyak goreng
2 salam leave // lbr daun salam
2 lime leave // lbr daun jeruk purut
1 lemongrass, bruised // btg serai memarkan
1 beef powder // sdm kaldu sapi bubuk (i omit this)
3 spring onion, cut inti 1cm length // btg daun bawang, iris 1 cm

grind ingredients // bumbu dihaluskan :

5 small brown onion // btr bawang merah
2 garlic // siung bawang putih
1 tsp pepper ground // sdk merica butiran
1 cm turmeric // kunyit
1 cm ginger // jahe
1 tbsp salt // sdm garam
1 tsp sugar // sdt gula

Condiment // Pelengkap :

Cooked Yellow noodles// Mi kuning basah
Vermicelli noodles // Bihun
Cabbage sliced // Kol iris halus
tomato, diced // Tomat potong dadu
Small celery, sliced // Seledri
Lime cut into wedges // Jeruk limau
Sambal rawit, vinegar // cuka
Risoles (Indonesian spring roll)

Method // Cara membuat :

1. Cook beef until tender // Rebus daging sapi hingga empuk
2. Saute gring ingredients, until fragrant, add salam and lime leave and spring onion, add to the beef //Tumis bumbu yang dihaluskan hingga harum, tambahkan daun salam, daun jeruk, serai daun bw. Masukkan tumisan ke daging yang sedang direbus
3. Add beef powder, season with salt // Tambahkan kaldu sapi, diicip rasanya.
4. Serve with condiment.

source : Dapur Sexy Chef

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