Welcome to my kitchenfun,You will find Cakes, Indonesian and western food recipe here, enjoy your visit!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Soto Padang (Masak Bareng)
This is the cooking event that i follow every month, i couldn't do it last month due to lack of ingredients i needed.
Seperti biasa,banyak masakan Indonesia yang belum pernah saya coba, seperti Soto padang ini. Bahan2 yang digunakan hampir sama dengan soto yang biasa saya bikin, hanya bedanya soto ini menggunakan bahan2 seperti masakan India (pekek, Kapulaga), yang membuat rasa dan wangi yang khas untuk masakan ini.
Setelah mencoba soto ini saya ketagihan, next time pasti mau bikin lagi, enak sih..
Untungnya waktu belanja mingguan di Indonesian supermaket, ketemu sama kerupuk merah yang menjadi ciri khas dai soto ini, kalo ngak mungkin bakalan gigit jari,hehe..
Buat semuanya Happy Holiday Ya... saya mau liburan dulu sampai tahun baru...
Resepnya saya dapat dari cuek.wordpress.com (saya modif sedikit)
Soto Padang
600 gr daging
2 bh pekak
2 bh kapulaga
2 bh cengkeh
1 ltr air
minyak untuk menggoreng
Bumbu perebus daging:
2 siung bawang putih
1 sdt ketumbar
1 sdt garam
8 btr bawang merah
5 siung bawang putih
2 cm lengkuas
2 btg sereh, ambil bagian putihnya memarkan
4 lbr daun jeruk
2 lbr daun salam
garam dan merica
Cara membuat:
1.Rebus daging dalam bumbu perebus hingga empuk.
2.Angkat dari kaldu, potong tipis dan goreng hingga renyah.
3.Tumis bumbu halus hingga harum masukkan kedalam kaldu, tambahkan cengkeh, kapulaga, daun jeruk, daun salam, sereh, garam dan merica.
4. Masukkan daging kembali ke dalam kaldu dan didihkan.
5. Angkat dan sajikan dengan pelengkapnya :
50 gr soun, perkedel
daun bawang, iris tipis jeruk nipis
kerupuk merah
Friday, December 19, 2008
My Black Forest Birthday Cake
Fells like i was just arrived here in Australia yesterday and i was only 23, but in fact I'm 25 years old now, i couldn't believe how fast the time passing, my baby girl is 2 y/o now, and I'm getting old :). That means i need to be more mature, more patient and more wise, Amien.
I made the cake in the morning on my birthday, i forgot to buy some chocolate blocks so i can't really make a lot of fence to put around my cake (like this cake), so i broke them into pieces and assemble like a puzzle instead, looks unique isn't it. There are 3 different cherries i used here, they are red cherries (Maraschino), fresh cherries (on season at the moment) and cherries on the can.
I put more melted chocolate on my batter cake, and less eggs this time, but still from the same recipe source, Dapur Bunda and using whipped cream instead of butter cream for the layer, the only disadvantage with the whipped cream is that i can't really put them outside too long, otherwise they gonna be watery (melting), and can't bring them for traveling on the box at all.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Baby Laila Cupcakes
Booties, booties...
Look at that pram, isn't it cute? i got the idea from wilton cupcake book, but i only used fondant without buttercream as they mentioned :)
Here again my creation, dedicated for my lovely friend Kylie, she just had beautiful baby girl couple weeks ago name Laila.
I decorated in the morning with fondant, a bit rushed cos Ellyn is grumpy that morning, i colored them a few days ago, to get the vibrant colour. I choose chocolate cupcakes cos i love them too :)
Friday, December 12, 2008
Soto Mie Bogor ( Noodle)
On the Rainy and cold day, it's great to have some warm soup or Soto. I was tempted to see the pictures of this soto on my recipe book, so i bought some diced beef and make this delicious food in the same day, but don't ever forget the chili sambal :)
Soto Mie Bogor
Ingredients // Bahan :
1/2 kg Diced beef //daging sapi (sandung lamur)
1000 mlwater // air untuk merebus
2 tbsp oil //sdm minyak goreng
2 salam leave // lbr daun salam
2 lime leave // lbr daun jeruk purut
1 lemongrass, bruised // btg serai memarkan
1 beef powder // sdm kaldu sapi bubuk (i omit this)
3 spring onion, cut inti 1cm length // btg daun bawang, iris 1 cm
grind ingredients // bumbu dihaluskan :
5 small brown onion // btr bawang merah
2 garlic // siung bawang putih
1 tsp pepper ground // sdk merica butiran
1 cm turmeric // kunyit
1 cm ginger // jahe
1 tbsp salt // sdm garam
1 tsp sugar // sdt gula
Condiment // Pelengkap :
Cooked Yellow noodles// Mi kuning basah
Vermicelli noodles // Bihun
Cabbage sliced // Kol iris halus
tomato, diced // Tomat potong dadu
Small celery, sliced // Seledri
Lime cut into wedges // Jeruk limau
Sambal rawit, vinegar // cuka
Risoles (Indonesian spring roll)
Method // Cara membuat :
1. Cook beef until tender // Rebus daging sapi hingga empuk
2. Saute gring ingredients, until fragrant, add salam and lime leave and spring onion, add to the beef //Tumis bumbu yang dihaluskan hingga harum, tambahkan daun salam, daun jeruk, serai daun bw. Masukkan tumisan ke daging yang sedang direbus
3. Add beef powder, season with salt // Tambahkan kaldu sapi, diicip rasanya.
4. Serve with condiment.
source : Dapur Sexy Chef
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Tuna Sushi
My first tempt to make sushi roll, so difficult and sticky...But it's Yummy!!
recipe taken from delicious. - April 2002, Page 142, revised by Ti
Tuna Sushi
* 1 cup short-grain rice
* 1 tbs caster sugar
* 5 tbs rice vinegar
* 1 small can tuna
* 1 small Lebanese cucumber, peeled
* 1 celery stalk, cut into julienne
* 1 carrot, peeled, cut into julienne
* 1/2 avocado
* 4 nori sheets
* Wasabi*, to taste
* Pickled ginger, to serve
* Japanese soy, to serve
1. Rinse rice under cold water and drain well. Place rice and 500ml (2 cups) of water in a saucepan and bring to boil. Decrease heat to low and simmer uncovered for 12-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the water is absorbed. Remove from heat and let stand with lid on for a further 10 minutes.
2. Place rice in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, combine the sugar, 2 tablespoons vinegar and 1 teaspoon salt, and pour over rice. Stir to combine. Cover a flat tray with aluminium foil and spread rice on it to cool.The rice should be completely cool before using.
3. Choose from a variety of fillings. I used tuna, cucumber,celery carrot and avocado. Prepare the fish and vegetables by slicing into batons about 5cm long. Set aside. Meanwhile, combine remaining vinegar and 300ml cold water in a bowl.
4. Place 1 nori sheet, shiny-side down, on a bamboo mat (or non-stick baking paper). Make sure longest edge of nori is at top of mat. Dip hands in water mixture (to prevent rice from sticking) and spread a quarter of rice over bottom two-thirds of nori, leaving a small border around edge.
5. Spread a thin line of wasabi along the middle of the rice and arrange a little of the fish and vegetables alongside the wasabi. Gently lift the end of the mat closest to you, and roll it over the ingredients to enclose.
6. Continue rolling the mat forward to make a complete roll. With one hand on top, gently roll mat back and forth a few times to make a nice round shape. Use a sharp knife to slice the rolls at 2cm intervals. Serve with pickled ginger, soy sauce and extra wasabi.
Notes & tips
* * Use wasabi sparingly as it is quite hot.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Chicken and Haloumi Caesar Salad
This recipe is simple but filling for dinner, by adding chicken and haloumi, makes this simple caesar salad even more tasty.
Chicken and Haloumi Caesar Salad
# 2 chicken fillet,trimmed, grill and cut into small pieces
# 1 baguette, cut into 1cm cubes, toss on the oven until golden (croutons)
# olive oil cooking spray
# 3 rashers rindless bacon, chopped (i used salami),chopped
# 1 large cos lettuce, washed,dried, leaves torn
# 180g Haloumi cheese, cut into 2cm squares, grill until brown
# 50g parmesan cheese, shaved
Place lettuce in a large bowl. add to lettuce with haloumi, chicken and croutons. Drizzle with caesar salad dressing, toss to combine. Top with parmesan to serve.
This recipe is simple but filling for dinner, by adding chicken and haloumi, makes this simple caesar salad even more tasty.
Chicken and Haloumi Caesar Salad
# 2 chicken fillet,trimmed, grill and cut into small pieces
# 1 baguette, cut into 1cm cubes, toss on the oven until golden (croutons)
# olive oil cooking spray
# 3 rashers rindless bacon, chopped (i used salami),chopped
# 1 large cos lettuce, washed,dried, leaves torn
# 180g Haloumi cheese, cut into 2cm squares, grill until brown
# 50g parmesan cheese, shaved
Place lettuce in a large bowl. add to lettuce with haloumi, chicken and croutons. Drizzle with caesar salad dressing, toss to combine. Top with parmesan to serve.