Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Red & White Foodie Photo Contest // Elmo celebrating Indonesian Independence day!

I made this cake decorating today, for the Red & White Foodie Photo Contest, host by Dhi-Dwi and Fitri, I'm hoping to win (well of course, everybody does), but this cake also special for celebrating Indonesian Independence day, which is on August 17.

As Indonesian, we usually celebrate this moment every year with so many different games, each game has a meaning , everybody can feel the spirit of celebration on that day, here we usually celebrate here at Consulate General of Republic Indonesia (KJRI) .

This cake idea started when i saw my daughter's Elmo's book, and as i mention on my previous posting that i will practicing the frozen butter cream transfer, so i add some writing on the side of the cake as an addition to enter the contest.I'm quite happy with the result as beginners, not perfect i know, need more practice, best of all its so fun making this. Does anyone want me to make one for you?? :)

Look... Elmo holding Indonesian flag!! ^_^ and he bring some love too!!. Happy 63th Independence day my Indonesia! Go go go... Merdeka!


  1. Mbak Ti..cantik amat bolu nya.
    Duhh kalo deket mau dong pesen..anak ku suka banget Elmo ama Barney.
    Aku link lagi ya Mbak..yg lama ilang :(

  2. Ti...foto mana yg disubmit? bagus Ti...I wonder if Elmo knows where Indonesia is...hehehe

  3. Duh Ti, pinter amat dekornya, aku paling gak sabaran kalo suruh piping buttercream ;)

    aku doain deh biar menang, kalo aku gak usah menang tapi pengen kadonya aja ...qiqiq...

  4. Thank you atas partisipasi nya ya Titi, itu klo diliat si kecil di rumah pasti di obrak abrik.. hehehe..elmo nya lucuuu... semoga menang.. :-)

  5. Mariena: Iya Mbak, sayang jauh ya. silahkan di link, udah balik toh dari holiday?.
    Lidia: 3 foto cake itu yang di submit, mungkin dia tau Indo,hehe... ngarang banget ya, abis warna badan dia merah siy...
    Zita: thanks Mba, baru coba2 aja kok, iya memeng harus sabar,tapi puas sama hasilnya :) wish me luck..
    Red: ok deh, thanks. Finger cross...

  6. Ok deh tak doain menang..BTW,hadiahnya apa sih?Kalo dapet hadiah jangan lupa bagi2 lho ya (maunya) hihihi..

  7. Cantik pisan cakenya. dekornya khusus buat 17an. mentep nih. ditunggu di round up nya yah. and thank you dah berpartisipasi:)

  8. Andri: Thanks, hadiahnya macem2 Mas, lihat aja di link blog-nya yang bikin acara.
    Dwiana: Thank you Mbak, iya memang khusus untuk ikutan event ini, hehe..

  9. Andrie anne: aku sih berkhayalnya bisa menang mba, hehe, tapi karya yang lain banyak yang lebih cantik en kreatif.


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