Saturday, August 30, 2008

1 Year my Blog - Happy Birthday!!-

1 year is a long journey for my blog, at first i wrote it in Indonesian language, but then i started to use English language as i lean, so i can share the recipe for my Aussie friend too.

I started blogging on the beginning of August last year ( a bit late to celebrate i knew..), but at least i didn't forget completely :) and i made Japanese cheesecake on the cup, i gave away some of the cake to my friends and neighbors, i made about 12 cupcakes and 1 oval cheesecake and I'm sure that we couldn't finish them all.

Japanese cheese cake always tempt me, 1 can eat 3 cups at a time :) .
I put some red maraschino cherry with cheese cream or with cream and mint leave for the topping and some with sliced purple grapes.

Ellyn got one without cream topping but grapes, she love it too! the texture is very moist, almost like cotton ( they also called it cotton cheesecake), i got the recipe from my friend in Indonesia, the baking time is about 1 hour and using water bath technic (au bain marie).

If any of you interested to order, just let me know okay?? this cake is highly addictive for cheesecake lover like me! size is available on oval, round 20cm and individually on the cup, topping is variable ( strawberry, mandarin, grapes, kiwi or as seasonal fruits as you desire).


  1. Happy birthday...yippie...dah setaon ya Ti...nti 2bl lagi giliran blog-ku jg setaun deh...btw, boleh minta resepnya ga? fotonya keren!!

  2. happy birthday !!! selamatt selamattt. Semoga makin jaya !!!
    Btw..itu poto bagus n keliatan maknyussss

  3. Met ultah yaa..Satu tahun itu kalau diumpamakan manusia baru belajar berjalan mbak..Aku setuju dg dua pendapat di atas..Fotonya keren kok..Lha itu yg motret mbak sendiri atau orang lain?

  4. Met Ultah buat Blog-mu ya Ti.. Nah itu fotonya cakep Ti, makin kreativ ya Ti. Salam ..

  5. Horee... dah 1 tahun! Happy birthday! Tetap semangat berbagi resep dan tips dapurnya ya... :)

    Hebat mba Ti, foto-nya makin keren aja. Udah keliatan deh kalo berbakat di food fotography. tetap semangat jepret-jepret ya...

  6. Lidia: Thanks Mba, nanti aku kirim resepnya ya.
    Resto mariena: Thank you.
    Anri: Makasih mas, bener masih merangkak, fotonya aku sendiri yang ambil lho...
    Judith: Thanks Bucil.
    Shinta: Makasih ya Mba, I'll try to keep up deh, kadang2 males juga sih foto2 en posting, hehe..

  7. met ultahhh ti :D, sekalian selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa :D mohon maaf lahir batin

  8. halo Ti.ketagihan bikin JCC ya.., met ultah yaa...Itu foto yg terakhir,dapet mika dari mana Ti?

  9. HAppy birthday buat blog loe .. makan2nya kapan .. hhehhee ..
    btw, gw order dunk cheesecakenya .. delivery ya ke rumah gw ... hihihi..

  10. Elsye: Sama2 ya Bu, thanks.
    Evi: iya Vi, makasih ucapannya, aku beli di jakarta waktu mudik.
    Febrie: Kemana aja si ibu yang satu ini baru nongol, hehe, makasih ya. makan2nya di rumah masing2 ya.. hehe..


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