Thursday, July 24, 2008

Choc Peanut Shortbread

I'm so glad that my daughter do not have an allergic to the peanut, in some case the children are dead because of this problem. So she can have this for her snack with me :)

Its quite easy making this shortbread, i got the recipe from Australian Table magazine, November 2006 edition ( the month that Ellyn was born), so i kept that recipe for 2 years because i couldn't do any cooking that time, and i just remember the recipe last week, when i open my recipe file.

Here is the recipe...

Choc Peanut Shortbread

  • 125 gr butter,at room temperature cubed
  • 1/2 cup smooth peanut butter
  • 2/3 caster sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 1/2 cups plain flour
  • 3/4 cup rice flour
  • 1 cup milk choc bits
  1. Preheat oven to 160 degrees C. Line two trays with baking paper. Using an electric beater, beat butter, peanut butter and sugar until pale and creamy. Beat in egg.
  2. Stir in chocolate and sifted flours. Knead roll a form dough. Halve and roll one half between two sheet of baking paper to 1 cm thick. Cut out shapes with a 7 cm star cutter. Decorate with extra chocolate. Re-roll when necessary.
  3. Bake for 15-18 minutes, swapping trays once, until light golden. Set aside for 10 minutes and transfer to wire racks to cool. Repeat with remaining mixture.
  4. Serve shortbread with milk.


  1. kayaknya enak niyy... copy resepnya boleh ya, Ti? buru2 bikinnn...

  2. tiii...aku copas yaa keliatan renyah nih..sengkiyuuuu :D

  3. Elsye: iya Bu Elsye,emang renyah, jangan lupa di praktekin lho.

  4. Hi Ti, alhamdulilah baik, disitu gimana kabarnya? si kecil baek?
    cantik bener kuenya.... :)

  5. Zita: Aku juga udah lumayan baikan, anakku juga baik, thanks ya.

  6. Kuenya dikasih pita segala euy...kayak kado..hihi...kacangnya pake kacang tanah atau kacang mete mbak?

  7. Andri: Iya, itu dikasih pita, siap untuk buat dikasih ke teman, biar cantik. Kacangnya pake selai kacang yang merk kraft mas.


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