Monday, March 17, 2008

Sambal goreng teri kacang ( Anchovy & peanuts sambal)

Before our trip to Indonesia, i promised to my self to start more cooking Indonesian food ( usually got Indonesian food from catering service), so i brought a couple of traditional Indonesian cooking books and traditional snacks books, and i started to buy some more ingredients for cooking, such as tumeric, coriander leaves, nutmeg, galagal etc, because i know I'll need lots of those ingredients if i cook Indonesian food (that's why im so lazy to start collecting them earlier).
Lucky that my hubby like most Indonesian food, sometimes a bit hot and spicy too, but he doesn't mind, like this dish, i can always put more chillies for build up the hot taste. Next time i will cook a bit more special food, because this dish is easy and quick to make. Just looking at this pictures, i already feel hungry... enjoy! BTW I'll still post some of western food too, don't worry be happy.

Sambal goreng teri kacang ( Anchovy & peanuts sambal)

  • 100 gr dried salty anchovies
  • 100 gr peanuts (fried in the deep oil until brown)
  • 8 tbsp oil
  • 1/2 onion
  • 7 small brown onion
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 5 red chili
  • 1 tsp palm sugar
  • 1 Red tomato
  • pinch of salt
  1. Grind together Brown onion,garlic,chili,palm sugar, salt and tomato.
  2. Meanwhile,fried the anchovies with 6tbsp oil until brown or until cook through,drain and set aside.
  3. Heat the remaining oil in a saucepan, add onion and cook for 1 minute.
  4. Add crushed ingredients, cook for another 1 minutes, add peanuts and anchovies,mix them together .
    serve with steamed jasmine rice.


  1. I love anchovy and nuts. I'm sure I'll enjoy this dish as long as it is not too spicy

  2. Pepy: Monggo di coba :)
    Fruit species: unfortunately, It is so spicy ;)


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