Friday, December 7, 2007

Caramel and Pistachio terrine

Summer is here....!! can't really spend too much time in the kitchen, especially oven, too hot! so the best thing is... to make an ice cream or something refreshing and simple, next time i'll make something easy with summer fruit (Plum, Peach, Apricot, etc), btw it's my first ice cream, so sweet and creamy, especially with caramel taste,seriously yummm...

Caramel and Pistachio terrine

(Serves 6)

  • 115g (1/2 cup) sugar
  • 450 ml (2 cups) thickened cream
  • 75 g(3/4 cup) Pecan nuts (i used pistachio nuts), toasted
  • 2 tbsp icing sugar


  1. Heat the sugar and 75 ml/5 tbsp water in a small, heavy pan until the sugar dissolves. Boil rapidly until the sugar has turned pale golden. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to stand until the syrup turns a rich brown colour.( Important: Watch the caramel syrup closely after removing it from the heat. If it start to turn too dark, dip the base of the syrup remains very pale, return the pan to the heat and cook it for a little longer)
  2. pour 90 ml(6 tbsp of the cream over the caramel. Heat to make a smooth sauce. Leave to cool.
  3. Rinse a 450g loaf tin(pan), then line the base and sides with clear film (plastic wrap). Whip a further 150ml (2/3 cup) of the cream with the icing sugar until it forms soft peaks. Whip the remaining cream separately and stir in the caramel sauce and the toasted nuts.
  4. Spoon one-third of the caramel cream into prepared tin and spread with half the plain whipped cream. Spread half of the remaining caramel cream over the top, then top with the last of the plain cream. Finally, add the remaining caramel cream and level the surface. Freeze for 6 hours.
  5. To serve, dip the tin in very hot water for 2 seconds, invert it on to a serving plate and peel away the film. Serve sliced.


  1. That looks yummy - it's winter here but I could still have a slice of this lovely dessert!

  2. Hi Suzana: I think o one can resist any kind of ice cream :)


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