Sunday, September 9, 2007

Swiss roll

Padahal aku lagi ngak enak badan pas bikin ini tapi karena ngak ada cemilan di rumah, ya akhirnya bikin sejadi-jadinya, hehehe... tapi lumayan lah, rasanya juga ngak kalah sama yang ditoko uenak tenan!!, *muji diri sendiri* biarin aja yang penting eke happy, isinya pake sisa ganache yang masih ada di kulkas, btw suami aku ngak tau tuh pas aku bikin ini kalo tau pasti diomelin karena disuruhnya istirahat (dasar bandel!), emang sih bahan-bahannya ngak ribet, tapi tetep aja perlu perhatian khusus dari sang koki*mulai ngaco :p*. yo wess ini lho resepnya.....

Swiss Roll
  • 90 gr (3/4 cup) self rising flour
  • 3 eggs lightly beaten
  • 185 gr (3/4 cup)caster sugar
  • 160 gr (1/2 cup) strawberry jam( i used chocolate ganache)
  1. Preheat oven to 190 degrees C,lightly grease a shallow 30 x 25 x 2cm swiss roll tin and line the base with baking paper, extending over the two long sides.Sift the flour three times onto baking paper.
  2. Beat the eggs with electric beaters in a small bowl for 5 minutes, or until thick and pale. Add 1/2 cup of the sugar gradually, beating constantly until the mixture is pale and glossy.
  3. Transfer to a large bowl. Using a metal spoon fold in the flour quickly and lightly. Spread into the tin and smooth the surface. Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until lightly golden and springly to touch. Meanwhile, place a clean towel on a work surface, cover with baking paper and ligtly sprinkle with the remaining caster sugar. When the cake is cooked,turn it out immediately onto the sugar.
  4. Using the tea towel as a guide, carefully roll the cake up from the short side, rolling the paper inside the roll. Stand the cooked cake on a wire rack for 5 minutes, then carefully unroll and allow the cake to cool to room temperature, spread with the jam or ganache and re-roll. Trim the ends with a knife.


  1. yang ini juga enak...jadi mau juga....secara aku ga bisa bikin yang di rol-rol kaya gini...

  2. Mba Rita: tadinya aku juga bingung cara nge-rollnya Mba, tapi akhirnya bisa juga setelah 3x praktek, hehehe


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